There are many individuals who have made a great contribution in the different fields of literature, history and philosophy and Nicholas Hagger is one of these. He is a man of wisdom and a respected British poet, literary author, man of letters, cultural historian and philosopher. His work offers a much-needed vision of the fundamental unity of humankind. He describes his new approach as Universalism, and has introduced this into five disciplines: literature, history, comparative religion, philosophy and international relations/statecraft. He has also produced many other works, which you can learn about by visiting
Nicholas Hagger’s literary work includes his poetry which can be found in Collected Poems 1958–2005. This contains individual poetic volumes such as A Well of Truth, 1958-1963, A Stone Torch–Basket, 1963-1965, The Early Education and Making of a Mystic, 1965–1966, The Silence, 1965–1966, The Wings and the Sword, 1966–1969, Old Man in a Circle, 1967 and many others. A selection appears in his Selected Poems, A Metaphysical’s Way of Fire (1991).
You can also find out about his Classical Odes 1994–2005 (2006), his classical poems on England, Europe, a Global Theme, and of Everyday Life in the One. This includes different volumes: Book One, A Tudor Knot, Book Two, In Europe’s Ruins, Book Three, A Global Sway and Book Four, The Western Universe.
You can also study his two epic poems (each of which has 12 books), his verse plays, his short stories, his autobiographical works, his literary investigations, his eyewitness history, his universal philosophy and many other works.
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