Tuesday, 4 July 2017

About Nicholas Hagger – Know About the Man of Words

Born in 1939, Nicholas Hagger read English Literature at Oxford and lectured at universities in Iraq, Japan, and Libya in the 1960s. He wrote for The Times and taught in London. Nicholas Hagger also acquired three schools and set up the Oak-Tree Group of Schools. He purchased Otley Hall and ran it for seven years as a historic house. While doing this, this well-known author, poet and philosopher also wrote numerous books. He is the author of 40 books.

Nicholas Hagger resides in Essex and now devotes the greater part of his life to writing. He has something distinctive to say that is much needed today. He calls his vision of the fundamental unity of the universe and of humankind Universalism, and this has had an impact on five disciplines: literature, history, philosophy, comparative religion, and international relations and statecraft.

At Nicholas Hagger’s website you will find background on all his writings. He has held up a mirror to the Age in his writing.

His literary work includes nearly 1,500 collected lyrical and reflective poems, over 300 classical odes, two poetic epics, five verse plays and more than a thousand collected stories, and a literary investigation into the fundamental theme of world literature. He has written autobiography, diaries and literary travelogues that can be classified as eyewitness history.

He has also written works of cultural history that identify a pattern of rising and falling civilisations; and considers whether they will pass into a worldwide civilisation for a while.  His four historical investigations present up-to-date world history and the influence of secret organisations on Western revolutions and world events. His comparative religion presents the essence of the world’s faiths along with the inner experience of the Light that is common to all. Being a reputed cultural historian, philosopher and poet in the UK, Nicholas Hagger always brings you the latest thinking and a new philosophy of literature. There is a lot more in Nicholas Hagger’s books that will inspire you.

Simply purchase the book of your choice at the website www.nicholashagger.co.uk

The philosopher, cultural historian and poet in the UK, Nicholas Hagger, has written a good number of books, poems and different writings. Now you can learn more about Nicholas Hagger or purchase Nicholas Hagger’s Books.