Saturday, 24 October 2015

Nicholas Hagger has three new books coming out in December

Nicholas Hagger has three new books coming out in December: Selected Poems: Quest for the One, which contains extracts from his collected poetic works, his two poetic epics and his verse plays; Selected Stories: Follies and Vices of the Modern Elizabethan Age, a selection from his 1,000 miniature stories, each of which has a vivid title; and The Dream of Europa, a poetic masque in the tradition of Ben Jonson’s court masques in the early 17th century, celebrating 70 years of the EU.
The first two books reflect his statement of the fundamental theme of world literature in A New Philosophy of Literature: a dialectic between a quest for the One and condemnation of social vices from an implied virtue. Prefaces in these books show that his poems and stories are rooted in the 17th century.
To read the back covers of these books, see