British poet Nicholas Hagger has written Selected Poems, A Metaphysical’s Way
of Fire; Collected Poems, A White Radiance 1958–1993; Collected Poems,
1958–2005; and Classical Odes. He has also written two poetic epics: Overlord,
The Triumph of Light, an epic poem based on the events of 1944 – 1945, and
Armageddon, The Triumph of Universal Order, an epic poem on the War on Terror
and of Holy War Crusaders.
is the first major poetic epic in the English language since Milton’s Paradise
Lost. It tells the story of the Second World War from D-Day to the unleashing
of the atomic bomb and has an American hero, Eisenhower. Armageddon is also in
the tradition of Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid, and its epic mythology
includes higher and lower worlds in the Universalist manner. These two works
can be classified as American epics, though written by an English poet. |
poetry, Nicholas Hagger has also written autobiography, eyewitness history,
history, literary investigations, literary travelogues, philosophy, short
stories and verse drama. All his works can be acquired by going to